Saturday, June 15, 2013

Summer Fun!

Sam carefully watering our pussy willow plant!

Evan, Jackson, and Sloane tracing the Hundreds Board Chart! This has been very popular in our classroom recently!

Oliver laying out the quantities 1-9 on the numerals!

Norah using tweezers to carefully transfer jeweled flowers! Great fine motor practice!

Evan and Sloane tracing the metal insets together! A rectangle and a curvilinear triangle!

Max working on a new sensorial puzzle!

Ethan using the screwdriver!

Brayden using a crinkle pizza cutter to cut the play dough!

Sam built the Pink Tower all by himself!

William sculpting with play dough!

Charlotte, intensely focused on her watercolor painting! 

Elora at the writing desk, writing her letters!

Davis spelling words in the blue series. He is learning that in a 1 syllable word with a short vowel sound with the /k/ sound at the end, we use -ck!

Music!!! We had a very patriotic music lesson on Flag Day. We sang the "Star Spangled Banner," said the "Pledge of Allegiance," and marched to John Phillips Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever."

Norah repeating an African drum rhythm.

Davis tapping the rhythm to an African drum song on his knees.  We have been tapping the rhythm on our knees before playing it on our instruments.

Charley tapping the African drum rhythm!


Davis playing the lollipop drum!

Oliver playing the sand blocks!

Hayes playing the drum!

Charley playing the castanets! I love when she gets so into the music, she closes her eyes and waves her head back and forth!

Charlotte making music on the tambourine!

Evan playing the drum!

Charlotte working hard writing her letters at the writing desk!

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